Open Research Training Workshops
Table of Contents
Program overview
The International Committee of Open Phytolith Science (ICOPS) organised a series of workshops in Open Research Skills open to everyone. We used examples and case studies from plant-related palaeoscience fields (e.g., archaeobotany, palaeoecology) but most of the talks and exercises are general and therefore useful for all researchers. The workshops consisted of a combination of short introduction talks, discussions, demonstrations and hand-on exercises. Documents, slides and videos are provided for each session.
Courses in this program
Open access publishing
Understand the difference between open access options and the range of research outputs that can be made open access.
Using repositories
Understand how to use a data repository for archiving research output.
GitHub basics
Understand how to use the GitHub web browser interface to set up a working repository, and add and modify files.
GitHub collaborative workflows
Learn how to apply collaborative workflow tools (e.g., fork and branch repositories) in GitHub.
Standard vocabularies and ontologies
Understand the use of standard vocabularies, and particularly ontologies, for interoperability of datasets.
FAIR data
Understand and use the FAIR Phytoliths Project’s FAIR Guidelines for assessing how FAIR a dataset is.
Are there prerequisites?
There are no prerequisites.
How often do the courses run?
Continuously, at your own pace.
This initiative has been funded by EOSC-Life (reference APPID2596). EOSC-Life has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement number 824087.